A nice finish to 2021

A nice finish to 2021 was reading the article titled “Michael never told anyone about the thoughts in his head until they landed him in prison” by ABC journalist Rachel Clayton. It tells the story of two men and their prison journey; and their experience in the Deakin University Peer Mentoring program. The program called Straight Talking having been “established and led by Churchill Fellow Claire Seppings”.

You can read the story written by Rachel here.

About Claire Seppings

Churchill Fellow 2015 Bachelor of Social Work (Monash University, 1984) Victorian Custody Reference Group ‘Dennis Mc Millin Access to Justice Award’ (2012) Minister for Human Services Award for Exemplary Service to Customers and Stakeholders (2008)
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5 Responses to A nice finish to 2021

  1. Great!!

    SO proud of you.



    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you dear Mum xox


  3. kamaddock says:

    Thank you for this Claire, excellent article.

    All the best for 2022,

    Take care

    Kevin Maddock

    Ps; this is an article I wrote recently….. you have left your mark on many lives

    Leaving my Mark.

    Recently in the area that we live there has been some significant repair of the footpaths. The new flat concrete paths make it much easier for the elderly, those driving mobile scooters or little children learning to ride their trikes or baby bikes.

    One of the things that I have noticed is that there are many instances of people writing their names in the concrete before it hardens. Some put just their names, others also put the date or year along with their names.

    There is one spot where a person has written, “God is the way” in very neat printing.

    I have been thinking, why do us humans want our name to be noticed?

    Is it a way to say, “I am very significant, or I don’t want to be forgotten?’

    Or is it just stating that “This is my territory I live around here; this is my home place; you are walking through my patch”.

    There are many ways that we seek to leave a legacy, some of us serve the community, maybe in medical work, public service, teaching, politics, law and order, perhaps a leader in spiritual or political things. Some build buildings, some buy lots of possessions, maybe a “special” car or motorbike. Some purchase houses or land. Some become excellent primary produces providing food and clothing for others. Some paint beautiful pictures or write books, to leave behind for when they are not around anymore. Some of us find ways pass on about our experience and the lessons that we have learned from them to our family or the next generation.

    I am convinced that one of the most significant things that we can do is to have an input into someone’s life that will give them support, guidance and encouragement in their life’s journey. Especially for someone who is all alone with no family support or encouragement.

    But sometimes all we can do is to walk beside someone, just so that they are not alone.

    Parker Palmer’s affirmation that “The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed — to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is.”

    I like this quote, “When someone is broken, don’t try to fix them. (You can’t)

    When someone is hurting, don’t try to take away their pain. (You can’t)

    Instead, love them by walking beside them in the hurt.

    Because sometimes what people need is simply to know they are not alone.”

    A couple of quotes from ancient wisdom….

    “No medicine is more valuable, none more efficacious, none better suited to the cure of our temporal ills than a friend, to whom we may turn for consolation in time of trouble, and with whom we may share happiness in times of joy.” – Aelred of Rievaulx 1150 AD

    This is very old wisdom…..

    “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others” Pericles (c. 495 – 429 BC) Statesman, orator and general of Athens. May the Mark we leave be a blessing to those who we love and those who our lives touch.

    From: Claire Seppings Reply to: Claire Seppings Date: Wednesday, 29 December 2021 at 4:32 pm To: Subject: [New post] A nice finish to 2021

    Claire Seppings posted: ” A nice finish to 2021 was reading the article titled “Michael never told anyone about the thoughts in his head until they landed him in prison” by ABC journalist Rachel Clayton. It tells the story of two men and their prison journey; and their experience”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you Kevin as always and for your lovely article too, especially poignant for this time of year.


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